Way we work

When we take on a project, we like to hit the ground running. We seed the project with an experienced team, ready to begin executing immediately on your product vision.

Scrum calls and Daily standups:

Every morning, we get together as a team for 10 minutes at 10 AM and say:

  • What we did yesterday.
  • What we’re going to do today.
  • If anything is blocking us.

We immediately resolve blockers or help the person after standup. We do this in order to:

  • See each other face-to-face.
  • Learn what others are doing so if you face same problem later, you know who to ask.
  • Learn what others are doing so you can help them if you’ve solved the same problem before.
  • Build accountability and trust.

Task Estimations:

  • It's the development team's that work with customers to break down the features into small, user visible units of work, called Stories.
  • These stories are the key to keeping development focused on visible, tangible, customer value.
  • Once the feature breakdown is complete for the next set of features, the development team can estimate the effort involved in completing each story.

Unit Testing and Peer Reviews:

  • When we build applications, we start by writing tests for every feature we implement.
  • Only after the tests are in place we write the code that implements those requirements.
  • The rhythm of writing a failing test, and then making it pass by implementing the feature,
    ensures complete test coverage, and a more reliable product.

Test Driven Development:

  • Every feature that we develop are driven by many tests written before it is developed.
  • Most of the time while making modifications, there is an impact on existing stories.
  • TDD helps to find out what went wrong due to existing changes immediately.
  • We follow best engineering practices to resolve such issues that may come up in future.

Weekly Retrospectives:

  • Every week , we are scheduled for weekly retrospectives.
  • This helps team to be focussed and eliminate weaker points within them.
  • This way, there is a huge team spirit built for focussing to develop most outstanding product.
  • Overall results comes with a high Performing Team with positive mindset for each other.

Done means Done:

  • As developers work on stories, their current state is logged in Backlog Tracker.
  • When work on a story is completed, and all tests are green, the story
    is checked into source control, and marked finished.
  • When a story is pushed to demo, it is ready for the product manager to accept or reject.
  • That application is deployable at any time.

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